Friday, May 1, 2009

Blessing Day

Blake blessed Riley last Sunday...There are few things more precious than a dad taking his baby in his arms and giving him a name and a blessing...It was short, sweet, and to the point...But mostly sweet...

Below are some pictures of Riley on his special day...He didn't smile for a single one of them. NOT A ONE, I TELL YOU! He seemed more content to blow bubbles and make faces at me...I suppose I can forgive him, seeing as he IS a baby :)

You will notice that I did NOT dress him in an all white "blessing outfit." I would rather spend that significant amount of money on an outfit that can be used many more times...You will find it rather interesting that I actually found the entire ensemble on clearance...That's how I roll...Or at least that's how I try to roll...Sometimes I can't help myself...But that is another story...

Do not be offended if you like to buy an all white get up for your children when you bless them...That is fine for you and yours...As for me and mine, we will wear whatever my little heart desires...That's right...I said it...

On a completely unrelated subject...These silly pictures are of my brother Bryce and his favorite nephew...I am allowed to say that because Riley is currently Bryce's ONLY nephew...Don't worry, no boys were hurt in the taking of these pictures...Riley loves Bryce


Colton said...

That first picture of your cousin with Riley is the funniest thing that I have seen in a long time.

"[He's] giving me the stink-eye!...That's just [his] face!"

Jenn said...

He looked so handsome to! I loved his outfit! Love all the pictures, he is at such a fun age right now.

Love ya, Jenn

My Independence Day said...

SO CUTE!!!!!! :)